Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Who Am I ...Now

Who Am I …..Now?

As women, we go through different seasons. Not only childhood, young adult, Adult, mother, wife, friend and the list goes on and on. But when we finally get to Adulthood, there are so many facets of being a woman. So, now I am going to talk about a season that maybe we aren't prepared for. With all the books and TV shows, no one really tells you how to maneuver when you enter a season of…. Who Am I ….Now? I am going to tell you what this season is for me. Newly married to my first/only husband for the second time, moved to a city I had never really heard of. No friends, no job and back in a relationship that I had left years before. So, who am I…now? Many of us ask that same question when, you finish school with a degree and can't find work. You are newly saved and you are not sure how to, who to or what to do, who am I…now? You got married to that man and now he is gone! He left you after you stood in front of people in a ceremony with five or five hundred and said together forever, you meant it. You are now a single mother, no where to go, no one there when you cry yourself to sleep, who am I…now. You are now finally clean & sober. It has taken you so long to finally be free of that life. You have accepted Christ in your life. Where do you go, what do you do? Who am I ...now.  You have just left the doctor's office, and yours hands are still shaking, you feel numb and disbelief have filled your heart. I really never thought it would happen to me. Maybe you have not experienced any of these scenarios, maybe you are one of the lucky ones that have gone through this life without walking through a difficult season, God Bless you. Most of us are not that lucky. 

Well, Who Am I…Now? You are the same person you have always been. You are the same person that God put you on this earth to be. And now for the bible scripture, and you really don't want to hear this, but here it is just the same. James 1:2  Count it ALL Joy! There I said it!! Count it all Joy when you are faced with trials of many kinds, when the season you have fallen into is lonely, hard, dark and you can't see how you are going to make it. 

Okay lets start with Count..this word is not always about numbers. It also means to consider,
 to be in consideration of.

 Then the next word, IT. IT means the hardship, the dark place, the thing that stays on your mind.

 And what does All mean? All means All and that's All that All means! ( I heard that somewhere) 
All encompasses the sum of everything, it includes the whole of ones energy, the quantity of a particular thing.

But the word JOY is what you need to get here.
So my sisters, my friends and those yet to be my friends!
Forget looking for Happiness, happiness is temporary!
Our Joy is a permanent condition, Stay strong