As I looked at my posts, my published works and my journals, I have been on this journey of becoming a writer for quite some time. This is a story that was published in a daily devotion I did back in 2010. As I read this I realize how much I love reading the scriptures and telling the story from my point of view which usually means my life. Take a look at this entry:
October 16, 2011 Scripture: Genesis 16: 7- 8
And now an "Angel of the Lord" found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur, and he said to Hagar, [Sarai's maid] " where have you come from, and where are you going?"
Where are you going?
I love it when I read in the scriptures when the Lord asks a question, he already knows the answer but he ask us the question not because he doesn't know, but because we don't know? Have you ever been in the wilderness and you look to the right and left, you look in front and behind and you just don't know where you are going? There was a period of time when I lost everything, I had no place to live, I lost my car and it seemed my security had diminished and my way was not clear. I had to trust in the Lord for everything, where to stay on a daily basis, he had to provide food everyday for me and my son. I can say now that it wasn't hard, it was just very uncomfortable. When you are in the wilderness, you don't know the destination, you know you are on a journey, but you are not quite sure where you will end up. God knows the exact day and how long you will be there. Allow God to minister to you there. There are times when you may be in the wilderness, not really sure how long you would be there, or even how you got there, but the wilderness is not always a bad place, we can gain strength in the wilderness, we can gain wisdom and insight. Allow your wilderness situation to grow your faith, activate your trust and belief in God our provider. Sometimes we will not know where we are going, but God does. Stop looking at the destination but Learn to Enjoy the Journey.
Prayer: Father I thank you that it is written, you will never leave me or forsake me, you hand is forever upon me. I thank you Lord, I don't have to be afraid, you are with me.
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