How many times do we say these words to God? How often do we make up in our minds that we have the right to tell God, the maker of the universe, the one who formed us from dust that we are ready to do, be and have all, all that he has for us? I often look at T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen on TV. It really doesn't matter when I look at them, they always say something that I had been thinking about. They seem to always be on the same page I'm on. Why is that, why is there always some form of confirmation for me? Today, Jakes said something that only God could have known that was in my heart. Something I have been praying for for years. It also happened with Osteen, he said some things that had me yelling at the ceiling, saying Lord, when, when are you going to do that. I'm ready. I really am ready. But I'm really not ready. Right now know one knows who I am, know one is calling me asking me to do this or that. I truly believe that once your number is called, once God puts you in the front of the line, once people know you are highly favored, you have this anointing, you are chosen by God to do this certain task, your life in obscurity is over. Your privacy rights have been forfeited and your name is out there. So are you ready for that?
So what do you do when you know what your purpose is? How do you keep silent when you know who God is putting on your team and you know they aren't ready. How do remain silent when your passion is being fulfilled in the heavens, but it hasn't been ordered on earth yet? How do you keep quiet? My days are lonely, my nights are spent just bidding my time until the Lord gives the okay signal and everything in my life is going to shift. The money will be in the account, the team will be assembled, the ministry will be formed and the Nations will be alerted! But until that time, until everyone is in their place, healed and whole, delivered and set free. I know their names, I know what they are going through. God has shown me what he wants them to do. Until all the pieces of this huge puzzle is connected, I will just watch and wait. I will continue to pray and say, not my will Lord, but yours. And just like Job, I will wait until my change comes. Because as much as I think I am ready, I know that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, what God has prepared for those that love him and are called for HIS purpose, not mine. I'm only ready when God says I AM (alfanette mays) is ready!
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